What is PRISMA?
PRISMA is the major marketplace for allocation and trade of transport and storage gas capacity. Our main aim is simple: we want to make fair markets happen ...
How do I translate the website?
If you want to translate this website to another language, just follow these steps in the Google Chrome browser. Right click on the page you want to t...
Auction Calendar 2025/26
Overview At the start of each calendar year, ENTSOG publishes the CAM Network Code transport capacity "Auction Calendar" for the following gas...
What is the PRISMA Support Portal?
The PRISMA Support Portal is a self-service portal, where you can find instructions and solutions about the PRISMA platform. From thorough explanations of a...
Platform Error - Capturing Screenshots
As no system can be perfect, there might be moments when you see an error message while using the PRISMA platform. In such cases, it would be much appr...
Where can I find a Calendar for Storage Offers?
Unlike transport auctions, storage offers are not CAM regulated. So, there's no universal calendar for such products. Please, consult each SSO webs...
What is the Capacity User DVGW Code?
In the DVGW classification, Capacity User (Kapazitätsnutzer) denotes a company that acquires capacity for gas transport at bookable points of a TSO and assi...
I did not receive an e-mail. What can I do?
If you do not receive an e-mail from PRISMA, please do the following: 1. Check your spam/junk folders – sometimes the e-mails land in there; 2. Doubl...
What are the currencies supported by the PRISMA Platform?
The platform supports national currency and subunits used in our Operator's countries. Here below a list of the currencies supported: Currency ...
Is PRISMA Platform certified?
PRISMA Platform is proud to be certified by RSM Certification GmbH under ISO/IEC 27001:2017 (attached). The scope of the certification encompasses the PRISM...