What is a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)?
A Qualified Electronic Signature is an Advanced Electronic Signature (AdES), which is further supported by an identification certificate and issued by a Qua...
Can I Delegate Negotiation to Another Group Company?
After the matching process, you can only delegate negotiations to a different branch of the same company (same entity). If companies belong to different and...
When should I use the "Contract Withdrawn" status in the reports?
If you are in a situation where you have to report the negotiation or contracting status of your matches from the AggregateEU tenders you have the possibili...
Do I have to create a report for all my matched demands?
If you, as a buyer, have successfully gotten matching offers for your demand you might have to create reports based on these. But you only have to report th...
Why are there no info sheets in mid-term tenders?
Info sheets will no longer be published for mid-term tenders. As you may know, in mid-term tenders, the demand of each buyer becomes a discrete offer to whi...