How to place a short term bid using the Shipper API?

Modified on: Thu, 3 Nov, 2022 at 3:31 PM



In this article, you can find the step-by-step instructions of placing a bid via Shipper API. Example workflow below from Swagger application in Test (KON) system can be used for testing. 


1. Authorize yourself in Swagger by adding the test API token: 

2. You can specify the auction type and call the auction calendar to get the auction windows (in UTC) of that type using the GET /auction-calendar endpoint.  

3. When the openingDate of the auctions slot you are interested in is reached, you can query for available auctions.

If the auction is already open, the auction IDs can also be retrieved using the GET /auction endpoint. Note the price and currency unit values to be used for bidding. 

Also better use the periodType parameter again because sometimes auctions for different type run in parallel. The "state" you have to set to "OPEN"


4. Once you have an auction ID and the unit values of the open auction, you can place a bid using POST /bid endpoint. The fields, outside the red frame, are not mandatory and can be removed: 

From the red marked values, only the balancing groups/Portfolio codes and the bid rollover can be removed if you do not need/have them. Example JSON tree to place a bid: 

5. You can find the ID of your accepted bid, quantity and other details in the response of Swagger as well as browser inspection page: 

PS: It is recommended to keep the browser inspection page open while placing a bid, since it explicitly describes the reason behind the error, if there is one. In case you got an error message, the following article can be useful to find more details: 

How to view the error messages when using Swagger?

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