Under "Platform View," you can configure:
(1) what is displayed in your account: your own activity and favorite network points or the activity and favorite points of your entire company;
(2) the unit of measurement of capacity offers and bookings.
To edit your view configuration, do as follows:
1. Log into your account;
2. Click on the person icon on the top-right side of the page;
3. Click on "View" on the drop-down menu;
4. Under "View," you can choose whether you want to view only your own favorite network points and activity or those of your entire company. To view only your data, select "User Specific" from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, choose "Company Wide."
5. Under "Default Units," you can choose the unit of measurement which best suits your business model and needs. In the Amount field, the options are KWh/h and MWh/h. In the Cost field, the options are Unit/[flow unit] and Subunit/[flow unit].
6. Finally, click on "Save Changes."